In the Gardens

In the Gardens is a full-length flowing meditation track with a light-filled energy, uplifting the inner being to awaken into our daily consciousness, and revealing the infinite nature of our universal soul-connection.

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At 22 minutes and 11 seconds, “In the Gardens” is theme-based with a peaceful heart-connecting energy that enters gently and works to move the consciousness toward a deep meditation at around 7 minutes. The stillness of the centre bridge is timeless in this meditation and has a profound healing energy that will leave you feeling complete and in the light of your true self. With the return of the theme at around 15 minutes, a quiet joy emerges through the music to entice the stillness of your inner being to “move as your soul presence” in a subtle but gentle swaying motion. As the music moves toward its conclusion, you may even feel the impulse to rise to your feet, and bring your complete physical nature into the oneness of your infinite soul energy.

This track recognises the sublime energy encounter of a young boy who experiences an enchanting music emanating through the surrounding aether of a local botanical gardens . . .

Music composed and performed by Jeffree Clarkson. Mixed and mastered by Alexia Clarkson Rowntree - Ideas and support from Reuben Rowntree. Artwork by Eden Clarkson. Vocals, Jeffree, Alexia, Reuben, Soulera and Saje Rowntree. Fun moments by Poet . . .

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