February 4, 2025

Insulation, not Isolation

Dealing with chaos, Stage one.

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Unbelievable! How the world reacts to the political state of affairs in USA. You know, Donald Trump; love him or hate him, he’s a big part of our near future. But not for too long, and certainly not in every country …

Swings and roundabouts on a global scale, seems to be the way of things.  Makes you think, is it something that’s really happening in the world, or is it just happening in human consciousness?  . . . I just had to ask that question! 

A lot of people are getting quite stressed and worried at the speed and severity of change out there, and while they’re doing that, the quality of their day to day lives steadily diminishes … and they isolate.

To that end, I have dedicated my time here to creating a music that can heal the heart of worry and stress. The music works really well, and it certainly appears to create a safe-space between a person’s daily life and the things that stress them out.

As a composer and a healer, I am fascinated by the quality of that space.

It also makes me think about how we (humans) get so caught up in what everybody else is doing and how they see things — or don’t. Once upon a time we could count on the majority of the population seeing things in a certain way. It was a long time ago, but in those days, it was comforting to conform. Now, there are as many different ways as there are people. Conforming has led us to unconsciousness. A state of mind where we do things without thinking. We even think things without thinking! And now we are paying the price. 

What price you say?  . . . The price of not being who we truly are — that is, being “our self”. Safety in numbers might have seemed like a safe place once, but we’ve never been HERE before, and I think we’re growing out of safe places …

So within the quality of this space that fascinates me; when I stand back far enough from the chaos. I begin to see a different picture emerging, and I want to share that with you . . . 

But before I do, I just want to say that despite everything that’s happening out there in public view; remember, you have a life to live of your own. You have meaning, and you are here for your own reasons as well. Give yourself the space you deserve and let the world take care of itself — because it will. Not only that, when you are being yourself, doing your life as it was meant to be done, you make the biggest, most positive difference you can make in the world!

So, if you feel the global situation is overwhelming, then it probably is. What is being overwhelmed though, is your personal life and the reason for your being … so you have every right to be annoyed! However, creating some form of metaphysical-insulation would go a long way to preserving what’s important for you. 

The best beginning you can make to insulate, is to meditate. I would recommend using my music to achieve a regular (daily) practice of meditation. You will find within a few short weeks, that you are more objective to what’s going on out there, and this will give you insight into how best you can address the impact of what is happening versus the harmony of your life. It’s all about balance.

Teach yourself to Meditate

The changes are real and they are coming fast. “Knowing yourself” may seem a bit laissez-faire, but this is the very anchor that keeps you involved in your own destiny, and at the same time, honours your personal contribution to the whole. 

The other thing that comes up in the “out there versus in here” scenario, is the action of human “intervention”. Has humanity become too much of an interference in the natural evolution of ourselves and everything around us? 

It’s a big question, so tune-in next week for stage two of what to do when chaos goes out on a limb!

Have a wonderful week . . .

May peace be within you


Artist & composer of Meditation & Healing music, author & peacemaker. We each make a difference in the world, Its all about the choices we make.
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